Welcome to U15

Welcome to Windermere Valley Minor Hockey for the 2023-2024 Season.

U15 is for children born in 2009 and 2010 (Must be turning 14 or 15 on or before Dec 31st 2023).

  • Full hockey gear is required whenever a player steps on the ice. See the Equipment List in the Resources section of the website for a full list.
  • Registration and all subsequent communication with parents happens via TeamSnap.
  • When Registration is open, a live link will be available on our website that takes you to the TeamSnap website so check the Registration Section of our website periodically.
  • Once you have registered, please download the TeamSnap app at your earliest convenience. An email invite to join your U15 team will come to you for your child’s team once teams have been made (late August or early September is the usual timeframe). TeamSnap is where notification of all practices and message come from team coaches and managers as well as where parents indicate attendance for their child for all practices.

U15 Games

In addition to practices twice a week, games generally consist of:

  • A Tiering Tournament: a preseason tournament which allocates all the teams per age group into
    a Division to ensure league structure is created so teams are a similar skill level. Typically
    mid-October and could be an away weekend
  • 10-14 League Games (half of the games are at home and half are away games)
  • 3-5 Tournaments -decided on by the parents/coaches, usually at the parent meeting within the first 2 weeks of the season start
  • Banner Tournament: is the Divisional League Championship held for each age group from U11 and above. Typically happens late Feb/early March and could be an away weekend
  • Provincials Tournament: is the Provincial Championship held for each age group from U13 and above for those who win their Banner Tournament. Typically happens mid/end March at Spring Break and involves travel that can be anywhere in the province.

Other notes for U15:

The WVMHA association runs on volunteers – parents of players become the coaches, team managers, on-ice safety people, and volunteer time during home tournaments for example to run raffle tables and things like that.

Consider what you might be able to do and if you have questions or want to volunteer to be a coach or team manager particularly, get in contact with the Coach Coordinator coach.wvmha@gmail.com or the Manager Mentor managers.wvmha@gmail.com

Have a wonderful and FUN season!